This Grandma Getting Her First Tattoo At The Age Of 82 Is The Badass Of The Day

NY Post- It’s never too late to get your first tattoo.

Brandy O’Reilly found that out firsthand when her 82-year-old grandmother – Judy Dede – announced she planned on getting some ink.

O’Reilly told Fox News she couldn’t believe her ears when she heard Dede wanted to get a tattoo and asked her to repeat her statement for a quick TikTok video.

Little did the pair know that their family video would go viral with 3.8 million views and a growing “tat granny” hashtag.

Dede decided she wanted a tattoo on a whim after she read an article from a woman who’s close to her age, which advised readers to live to their fullest.

“I read an article and it just blew me away. And that’s when I said, ‘You know what, I’m living each day as best I can because you never know what tomorrow is going to bring,’” Dede told Fox, during a phone interview. “We had been shopping and had just stopped to go to the grocery store and I said, ‘Shut off the car. I’m going to blow your mind. I want to get a tattoo.’ They were stunned.”

HELL YES GRANNY! Judy DeDe is an 82-year-old Grandma that just got here first tattoo in the year 2021 and I could not have any more respect for her if I tried. I used to be proud of my grandparents whenever they would go to say the movies alone or something to cash in that AARP discount let alone getting a goddamn tattoo! I've gotten a tattoo before and while I know others will disagree to try to sound cool those fucking things HURT. 

I got Donkey Kong wearing a Rangers jersey on my ass a few years back and I still feel like I feel that sensation of burning on my right cheek from time to time. It really didn't help that the tattoo was so big it might as well be a lower back tattoo. Was it worth it due to the little giggle I do to myself every now and then when I notice it coming out of the shower? Of course. Though was that pain excruciating? Hell yes. So there's nothing else I can do but respect Grandma Judy for going through with that age the young age of 82.

And there's just something about someone clearly loving music their whole life just getting a music note & record player tattoos. So simple & so meaningful. Shoutout Granny!

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